Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 1

 My Fitness Pal is an app that I am using to help count my calories and keep track of the specific nutrition. It also records my workouts and water intake.

Summary of the passed week:
Monday-  I stayed in my calorie range, so  Monday was a successful start. It was around 30 degrees and I attempted to run outside. I only made it 1 mile due to the cold weather.

Tuesday- I did not workout on Tuesday. I ate well and stayed in a good calorie range.

Wednesday- I did a core, leg, and arm workout at home.

Thursday-I ran 2 miles around the track in the gym. It was 26 laps and it was very tiring.

Friday- I went to Cascades and ran 1.8 miles around the pond. The weather was a lot warmer and it made the run better.

Saturday- I had my last indoor soccer game in Lansing. That consisted of about 50 minutes of cardio-fitness.

Sunday- Cheat day! I did not workout on Sunday and I ate a lot of good food.

Soccer Tryouts  start today and we are running a timed 2 mile! I am nervous and not excited for it.
I am going to sip on water all day, but yesterday's cheat day is not going to help me. I regret the cheating, but one day will not change my end results.

Push ups
Leg lifts

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